Sunday, September 28, 2008

365 Day Money Game

I'm starting to realize how much fun the game of spending money is. It's day six of my year long prosperity game. Today was the first day I stopped thinking long and hard about what I should or shouldn't get. I was shooting from the hip and what I wanted just flowed naturally from my heart to my finger tips as I made a note of my expenses.

I was able to easily spend $2,400.00 on a my new energy efficient jacuzzi. It popped in my mind to tithe to The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. I also spent $350.00 on an image consultant and she was worth every penny. My most exciting adventure that came from today's abundant resources was choosing to go scuba diving at our local YMCA and then I'll finish up my certification in Costa Rica. I even checked out possible Couch Surfing hosts and there's a lot of wonderful profiles of people who will love to host me. With the dollar weaker than the Euro right now I choose to invest in $600 in Euros.

If you haven't guessed it I'm playing a virtual game on my computer I learned about last week from Mark Victor Hansen which he learned about through his friends Jerry and Ester Hicks. The idea is to expand your spiritual consciousness around money and realize you can have what ever you want. You just have to know what it is and focus on it. Everyday you take a blank check from your old registry. The first day you write yourself a check for $1,000.00. everyday you give yourself an income raise of $1,000.00. Instead of writing a check to myself I'm keeping a spread sheet of my income and expenses.

My excel spread sheets everyday has these statements:
Today is day 9/28/2008. * It's day 5 of my abundant, prosperous life * and I just paid myself $5,000.00 Wahoo! * With that money I loved tithing $500.00 to Clinton Global Initive Project *
I saved $500.00 in my savings account * I earmarked $500.00 for taxes. * I invested $500.00 Dream Wall Fund for Dreamers * I spent $500.00 for fun Lion King Minskoff Theatre $284.95 10/4/2008 8:00 PM Row: J/ travel/ dinner/CS * For my business I invested $500.00 blogger, social net worker to build online subscribers * For living expenses I bought a cellercizer for $500.00 * and gifted $1,500.00 to Jason for Paul Stratton chiropractic treatments

And that's how I enjoyed the $5,000.00 I just paid myself!

Go ahead and try it for the next 365 days and notice what shows up in your life. If it's more easy to deal with larger sums of money and asking for what you specifically want than so be it!

The first time I had this much fun focusing on what I wanted in my finances I was reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I followed one of his exercises as I wrote "I intend to get $20,000 for my writing by March 24, 1997. As it turned out I did receive an unexpected check shortly after my 22 birthday for that exact amount in early April of that year. My life was never the same after that. Experiences like that lead me to realize the power of my emotionally focused writing and communication which became the focus and foundation of Scripting for Success TM.



Ruth Anne Wood
"Get Your Dream out of the Drawer" Coach

Helping retired Baby Boomers transition into a life they love.
Doylestown, PA 18901

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